
Web Applications

Web Applications

Dynamic and Data-Driven Web Applications

We have a diverse portfolio of clients, from rock bands to banks, from single-person startups to Fortune 500 companies. We managed the website Aerosmith.com from 2001 to 2005, back when webmasters were still a thing.

We collaborated with Cambrooke Foods, now Ajinomoto Cambrooke, Inc., to build a corporate website and online store. We linked the store with their internal customer database, inventory control database, and insurance billing platforms.

Some of our other projects are Health Merlin, an online mental health assessment, Diet For Life, a diet and health tracking application, the CBT Nutritional Calculator, an online tool for professionals to compare nutritional values of dietary supplements, Pizazz, an in-store audio sampling kiosk, and more.

Aerosmith.com Webmaster
Online Commerce and Sales
Video Streaming
Custom Databases