
Artificial Intelligence

AI - Ninja Win

Artificial Intelligence - Large Language Models (LLMs)

Ninja Win was created with Generative AI including ChatGPT, Bard/Gemini, DALL-E, and Bing Chat. The code, the graphics and the descriptive text for the Play Store were all generated via AI.

AI can accelerate application design, coding, and asset creation.

A GitHub repository is available which documents the AI prompts used in the design process and the generated source code and assets.

The application is available for download to Android devices at the Google Play Store

Get it on Google Play
Large Language Models (LLM)
Copy by ChatGPT & Bard
Graphics by DALL-E
Code by GitHub Copilot
AI - Rummy Vision Pro

Convolutional Neural Network Object Detection

Rummy Vision Pro is an object detection neural network trained to detect playing cards. The Android application scans and scores cards for the game Rummy.

A GitHub repository is available which documents the design, asset preparation, and neural network training process.

The application is available for download to Androiod devices at the Google Play Store

Get it on Google Play
Tensorflow Model Training
Image Augmentation
Python Asset Generation
Built in Kotlin for Android